About Constance Rennett

Constance Rennett

Constance Rennett is a Toronto-based artist with a passionate interest in documenting human nature through sculpture. Using exaggerated expressions to emphasize what she sees and feels, Constance creates uniquely stylized pieces that are a mix of fantasy and reality.

Inspired by her background in anatomy, Constance took her first sculpting class in 2005 at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Loving the art form, she continued to sculpt as a hobby while running her own business in the alternative health care field. When she sold her business in 2017, she began to sculpt full-time at the Al Green Sculpture Studio & School in Toronto.

"Sculpting enables me to bring my feelings into form. When working with clay, I feel its primal sensibility connecting me to human nature, and to nature overall. My intention is to stimulate each viewer to experience this connection that unites us all."